2022 Fish Plant It is on. We will be having a 2022 fish plant. Currently we have 21 lakes in 3 days to plant. We picked up 3 more in the Thousand Lakes Wilderness this year. Of course, this is all tentative. We will know more when we get into the Caribou Wilderness and F&W see if the lakes can sustain fish. We know some will be good to go and of course the 3 in the Thousand Lakes Wilderness are not a problem. We have a tentative schedule for the first 3 weeks in June to get them planted depending on the weather. It is possible we can move the plant up a week or two or delay the plant also depending on snow etc. This year we will hold a dinner and a general meeting at the Cone Lake Trailhead 2-day plant. We will have more information on this as we get closer to the date. Please look to the webpage or Facebook page for the latest and greatest information on the plant and all other Shasta Trinity functions. Larry Shuman (530)526-0590