Hello Everyone,
First, I want to thank you for your votes and confidence in having me represent the BCHC Shasta/Trinity unit as your new President. We have a lot of ideas and have been brain storming ways of how we can make this a wonderful, productive and fun unit.
Some of those ideas came from the surveys you filled out in January. Most of the surveys mentioned that there needs to be a better way of communicating information out to the members. I have a couple of members, who I have chosen to work on improving the communication process, getting some ideas together. Following are what they have come up with so far.
There will be four (4) general meetings every year. (Winter, spring, summer and fall) Our next general meeting will be at Kip & Audrey's place on April 3Oth, saturday, at 1300 hours after the morning pack clinic session, which starts at 0900 hrs. We had our winter meeting January 15th combined with the dinner/raffle. We will have a summer general meeting during the fish plant at the Caribous. (If all goes as planned). Next meeting will be in October at the Bend, for a BBQ. We will keep you up to date as the time gets closer.
Coupled with that, we will have a newsletter four (4) times per year as well. (Winter, spring, summer and fall) Nancy Anglemyer volunteered to take on the newsletter task. We are also going to be mailing out a one page letter shortly after our BOD meeting monthly, on an as needed basis, which will contain tidbits of information from our meeting. We will be mailing out several postcards/flyers on an as needed basis for any event/training/project etc. that needs special attention for a specific event etc. All of these items will also be emailed out to those who have email addresses. We are also going to start adding our BOD minutes to the website and schedule. You are invited to attend a BOD meeting, which we plan to put those dates, times and places on the schedule. Our next BOD meeting is scheduled at the Players Pizza in Anderson, March 3rd at 1730 hours start time, but if you want to eat, we usually arrive by 1700 hrs.
Our website has been updated and will also contain information about projects/work schedules and etc. which you can access by going to bchcalifornia.org/contact.htm. Once you open that page, click on the local units and search for shasta/trinity unit. Open that page up and you should see a small list of items on the bottom bar where it says, home, location, team. gallery, schedule and contact information. Just click on one of those and it will bring you to that particular page. This is a new website, we are still working on improving it, and working the bugs out. Albert Estrada had volunteered to take on that project.
We do have a facebook account, which holds a lot of useful information too. Audrey Kinneavy will keep the unit up to date via facebook.
Another topic gleaned from the surveys, mentioned that we should put on more rides, such as the one we held January 1st. at the bend. Paddy LaRue asked to be the Unit Trail Boss and she is working on getting more rides out, more often. We plan to combine them with a lunch and maybe an overnight outing from time to time. Another survey would like more outings that involve using the pack stock, getting the mules/horses out on open land, to get a "hands on" packing lessons. We do have a pack clinic, which is held once a year at Kip & Audrey's place, but they want a little more than just a clinic setting. Paddy will be working on setting something up. Some of our Weaverville members travel a great distance for some of our events, therefore tend not to show. Paddy will be working on scheduling in some rides out of Weaverville/Trinity Alps area. We have a great contact person up there who is willing to help out.
lf at anytime you need help accessing anything from either subject above, please get ahold of anyone on the board, our contact information is on the web, under “team”. lf you think of anything that can help improve the unit, please seek one of us out. I will also send out emails from time to time just to keep you informed too. This is not an overnight fix, it's long over due. Please allow us time to get things going in the right direction.
Thank you again, Laura Rodger Shasta Trinity President